

Check out our new video below, Hybrid CHW & DX Cooling Systems Part 2 – Improving Chiller Operating Efficiency.

In this video we explain how a hybrid Precise Control Unit can save energy by allowing a chiller to raise its water supply temperature, and subsequently boost efficiency, without compromising the dehumidification of fresh ventilation air.

If you haven’t seen the Part 1 video, make sure you check that out as well. Here we cover the basic operating principle of a hybrid CHW and DX cooling unit and how it ensures proper dehumidification is achieved when the available CHW temperature is not low enough to achieve it on it’s own. We also cover how a hybrid PCU ensures an indoor space is kept at a comfortable temperature when a CHW system is required to over-cool supply air for dehumidification purposes.

To learn more about our Precise Control Unit range, click here: https://www.airchange.com.au/cms/?product=precise-control-unit



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